Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Grain to Glass Groundbreaker

Its tough to be the trailblazer. Here in Ontario, we are the first (and only, so far) artisan distiller, micro-distillery, craft distiller or "grain to glass" operation. Just like the rise of micro-breweries and small wineries over the past few years, we hope that there will be greater interest in grain to glass artisan distilleries that produce high quality unique spirits for an increasingly educated and sophisticated market. We know that being the first is not easy, but we are determined to be successful, just as the handful of others in other provinces have, and the more than 200 such operations in the U.S. have to date.

An interesting article in The Huffington Post is worth the read: Artisanal Spirits: Booze Goes Boutique As Small Scale Distilleries Take Off.


Unknown said...

I'll be sure to grab a bottle the next time I'm back in Toronto!

Tanya said...

I want to open one in my area. I love the art. I need a mentor, are you available?


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